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Results for "main_practice: "Enthusiasm", latest_content: 1"
Presidential Campaign Slogans One of the major delights of the voting process in our democracy is the time, energy, and creativity spent on presidential campaign slogans. They're meant to energize and inform the public so that t…
May I Have This Dance? Spiritual Wisdom The Divine, holding out a hand like a lover or an old friend, eyes expectantly on us, utters five golden words: May I have this dance? — Cynthia Winton-Henry in Dance — The…
A Tiny Prayer for Those Who Need to be Celebrated Spirituality & Practice celebrated its 16th Birthday on March 21, 2022. The team gathered on Zoom with people from our community for an hour of sharing about the work we do and why we are happy doin…
Dealing with Both Sides of Boredom Boredom is like a fog that periodically moves in and drenches everything with a mist; it becomes hard to see clearly. Sam Keen calls boredom "the common cold of the psyche" whereas many psychologist…
Big-Hearted Democracy This post has been contributed by Judith L. Favor, who is rooted and grounded in Quaker tradition and contemplative practice. She is retired from pastoral UCC ministry in San Francisco and teaching …
"E" is for Enthusiasm “Enthusiasm means ‘one with the energy of God.’ It derives from root words pointing to be inspired and possessed by the Divine. There is something awesome about this spiritual quality. They…